Mapinfo Mapxtreme 2008 V6.8카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 18. 21:34
MapInfoMapXtreme v7.0, which came out late last year, is a comprehensivemapping software development kit (SDK) integrated with Microsoft VisualStudio. Microsoft developers will use it to build specialized mappingapplications that require a fine-grained level of control overfeatures.
It incorporates a comprehensive class library enablingdevelopers to write code in the same way they use the.NET Framework.MapXtreme allows developers to create custom mapping applications thatrequire both high-quality digital maps, and controls and instructionsto manipulate those maps. It enables developers to incorporateand display many types of data onto maps, and to easily add a varietyof controls, themes, graphs and other features that enable users tomore effectively analyze location-based information.
Real estateprofessionals use it to analyze locations for development; technicalsupport representatives use it to look for root causes of serviceoutage patterns; engineers use it to examine highway patterns forfuture growth.MapXtremev7.0 offers a number of built-in controls that make it easy fordevelopers to deliver a high level of flexibility into custom mappingapplications. (Click for larger view.)MapXtreme v7.0 incorporates an array of new features over v6.0, such asgrid analysis, linear referencing and dynamic segmentation, improvedperformance of shapefiles, and an extensible workspace manager forapplication development. It supports both SQL Server 2008 Spatialand Oracle 11G, as well as SpatialWare for Microsoft SQL Server and IBMInformix. The data provider model makes it possible to take data from awide variety of data sources, integrate them into a single table, anduse this table as a single data source for an application.This review looks at a variety of MapXtreme features that help inbuilding common applications, specifically for the Web.
Mapinfo Mapxtreme 2008 V6.8 Torrent
Itincludes the basics of creating an application using the MapXtremeproject templates, how to use MapXtreme controls, working with data,enabling search features, using geocoding capabilities and buildingfast, Ajax-enabled user interfaces.RequirementsMapXtreme v7.0 requires either Visual Studio 2005 or 2008, along withthe.NET Framework 2.0. If you're using Visual Studio 2008, it willoffer to begin or upgrade your project to the latest installedFramework, which you may want to do, depending on your companystandard. As long as you're using at least 2.0, the Framework versionhas no discernible effect on performance.The product installs on Visual Studio, providing the developer with itsfeatures from within the development environment. Launching VisualStudio, the developer can choose between a rich client or Web (ASP.NET)project. MapXtreme v7.0 provides templates for either type of project.Selecting File - Project - New lets the developer choose aMapXtreme project for a WinForms, or rich client, application.Selecting File - Website - New provides a template for aMapXtreme ASP.NET application. The documentation notes thatapplications developed for the desktop can be moved to the Web and viceversa with minimal effort, but I didn't try to move applicationsbetween platforms in my efforts.Starting with Visual StudioLaunching either type of project opens what appears to be a normalempty project within Visual Studio.
Mapinfo Mapxtreme 2008 V6.8 1
It includes access to the objectmodel and class library provided by MapXtreme, as well as specificconfiguration files needed to build the project.Before writing a line of code, it's useful to understand some mappingconcepts used by MapXtreme. The map is the foundation object of aMapXtreme application; it shows the spatial relationship betweengeographic and other items such as grids we may wish to place on it. Wecan put features, labels and legends on a map and use layers to controlthe order of placement and provide the user with a way of determiningwhat is displayed on a map. We can also apply themes, which are visualways of summarizing data that are available with the map.MapXtremeprovides the ability to incorporate dynamic legends into mappingapplications so that developers can provide detailed descriptions andexplanations of mapped information to users. (Click for larger view.)Finally, we can give the user tools with which to control the map,along with how it is displayed. These tools include zooming, panningand drawing lines between different points on the map. Othercapabilities include applying coordinate systems and identifyinglocations through those coordinates and enabling routing between two ormore points.All applications that get developed using the MapXtreme object modelare built atop of the MapInfo.Windows or MapInfo.Web namespace.
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Thesenamespaces contain controls, tools and other functionalities specificto the rich client and Web platforms, respectively.